Learning To Learn The Kinesthetic/Tactual Way
by Joanne Mikola
…Continued from Learning to Learn in Order to Teach
Incidence and Trivia |
Recognition of Primary Learning Style |
Teaching Strategies Directed at Primary Learning Style |
Most Kindergarten students; changes towards Tactual learning +/- Grade 1.
Many adults, especially males, maintain kinesthetic and tactual strengths throughout their lives.
Learn by doing; direct, hands-on involvement |
- Difficulty concentrating when asked to sit and read.
- High energy levels.
- Gestures when speaking.
- Does not listen well.
- Stands close while speaking or listening
- Attacks problems physically, impulsively.
- Selects solutions needing the most physical activity.
- Uses words such as get, take and make, etc.
- Allow learners to move around to learn new things: Use learning Stations or Centers.
- Allow learners to work in a standing position.
- Memorize or drill while walking or exercising; Marching to music or putting the material to be learned to a rhythm.
- Express abilities through dance, drama or gymnastics.
- Engage in experiential learning (making models, crafts, doing lab work, and role playing).
- Provide frequent study breaks.
- Use bright colors to highlight reading material.
- Allow learners to decorate their work space with posters.
- Allow learners to listen to music while they study.
- Encourage learners to skim through reading material to get a rough idea what it is about before reading it in detail.
- Take notes either during a lecture or when reading something new or difficult. They often like to draw or doodle to remember.
- Field trips and tours.
- Trace letters and words to learn spelling and remember facts.
- Use scrabble or anagram letters to make words, sounding them out as he places them.
- Large letter book where he can run his fingers over the letters.
- “Fuzzy” letters out of a fake fur or sandpaper letters that he can feel to make words
- Use computer to reinforce learning through sense of touch.
- Use of calculators and other hand held tools
- Chew gum while studying
- breaking information into steps
This doesn’t exactly fit your profile or that of a child or student you might have been thinking of? Go on to
Learning to Learn the Visual Way or
Learning to Learn the Auditory Way and see if either more closely match the person.
If you know of a ‘pure’ Kinesthetic or Tactual learner and have tried other methods successfully to engage their receiving and retention of information, please email us below and we’ll add your tips.
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