STAFF | Five parallel, equidistant lines with spaces in between. | |
A vertical line placed in a STAFF to mark off MEASURES | ||
MEASURE | Part of a STAFF set off by BAR LINES | |
CLEF | Musical symbol that names lines and spaces. There are two : TREBLE Clef and BASS Clef | |
TREBLE CLEF | – Also called the “G” clef because the loop at the bottom wraps around the line on a staff for the ‘G’ note above middle ‘C’. – The Lines designate the following notes, in order from the bottom, up : E,G, B, D, F. – This is easily remembered by using the mnemonic “Every Good Boy Does Fine” – The spaces are for the notes F, A, C, E, in order from the bottom up. | |
BASS CLEF | – Also called the “F” clef as the dots are placed above and below the line marking ‘F’ below middle ‘C’. – The lines are labelled G, B, D, F, A or “Good Boys Do Fine Always” – The spaces are called A, C, E G or “All cows eat grass” | |
LEDGER LINES | Lines added above or below the staff. In the picture (left) both notes with ledger lines indicate middle C. | |
All together: | C to C to C |
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