American Sign Language for the Deaf  Lesson 1    …Continued…

ASL letters M,N, and O
ASL letters P, Q, and R
ASL making gestures for letters S,T, and U

Forming letters V, W, and X in ASL

ASL - letters Y and Z



Spell the following words. Work on making the signs clearly. Speed will come later.

1.      every
2.      totally
3.      saying
4.      now
5.      time
6.      good
7.      come
8.      aid
9.      artful
10.  instant
11.  the
12.  faithful
13.  bashful
14.  darts
15.  hospital
16.  joyous
17.  back
18.  splash
19.  quick
20.  velvet
21.  wet
22.  oxen
23.  payment
24.  zealous
25.  pizza

Now spell the following sentences. Hesitate slightly between words.
1.      Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
2.      See the darling children playing by the old trees in the lovely park.
3.      Going to bed early gives me a restful night and a good start on the next day.

Practice for incidental situations:
When you have a moment with no planned activity, spell the things around you. For instance, while you wait for your doctor’s appointment, spell desk, chair, television, magazine, door, window, nurse. Such short practices have been shown to be effective learning experiences.

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