Lesson Tutor: Communication Skills – Home Page

Communication Skills Home Page

Stop! Don’t Crucify the Teacher 
Antagonistic communications between a student, his family and the teacher are sure to raise seemingly insurmountable barriers. Learn how to manage these intense feelings with success as the outcome. by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Substitute Teacher Instructions
Print ready key information at a glance for any substitute teacher. Fill it out once and use it again and again. Includes details like where things are – e.g. lesson plans, keys, teacher’s binder, manuals, class list and seating plans, attendance folder, photocopy machine, AV room, staff lounge and restroom, and more… by Stevan Krajnjan

Teacher Gifts: Ritual or Appreciation? 
by Joanne Mikola

Games to Help Communication
Language skills usually evolve naturally in a normal family environment.  But what if your child isn’t taking to communication as readily as your other kids did?  by Kandie Demarest